Your customers no longer behave as they once did! Email is declining as the primary communication channel, and it’s becoming increasingly difficult to capture and maintain customer interest, but...
...Technology now offers better opportunities than ever to create meaningful communication with your customers. The key is to seize these opportunities and make a plan for how to get rubber to the ground!
We offer a tailored inspirational session, where we do research on your company and industry in advance, making the lecture more relevant for you and your team.
This often leads to a couple of hands-on ideas to be implemented right away!
When we’re done, you will receive a concise report with recommendations on how to move forward to increase conversion, loyalty, and cross-selling.
The lecture lasts 1.5 – 2.5 hours.
We can come to you or arrange an inspiring environment based on your preferences.
Homerun tillför ett tydligt slutkundsperspektiv och kundinsikter vi kan agera på. Genom våra workshops på temat meningsfull kundkommunikation har vi fått både konkreta idéer och insikter som blir en del av vår plan för medlemskommunikation."
CRM manager, NAF
Medlemskommunikation kommer se helt annorlunda ut om 3-5 år än den gör idag. Homerun har tillfört strategier och insikter som vi har nytta av för att utveckla både strategi och plattform för framtiden."
Produktägare, Vision Fackförbund