Ideas & Insights - Homerun CX

How customer-centric are you?

Written by Marte | Sep 29, 2023 2:09:50 PM

CMO's get awards, while their customers ignore the flood of e-mails  


According to Gartner, CMOs rank customer understanding among the top three capability gaps in their organisations.

While businesses collect, analyze, and measure data to set strategies that meet their customers' needs and expectations, how many truly succeed in continuous customer comprehension? And how many effectively leverage this insight to consistently deliver the perfect customer experience? 


Being customer-focused means placing your customers at the heart of your business. It involves comprehending their needs, preferences and pain points and actively adapting your strategies to meet them. The ultimate goal? Creating a positive and seamless experience that resonates with your target audience. 



Understanding the why behind customer engagement 

We've all seen companies proudly receiving awards for their impressive marketing results, but if you ask the end users of those very companies, you'll often get a different story. Most of them don't care about the communication; they don't even open that email - it's the third email from the same company that week. 


While data is essential, it's just one part of the equation. Data can offer insights into customer behaviour, but it frequently falls short in revealing the "why" behind their action. For example, A/B testing can tell you which version of an email performs better, but it won't reveal if both versions are irrelevant, and more importantly, it won't tell you what to say instead.




Understanding your customers 

To genuinely understand your customers, you need to step into their shoes. A deeper dive into customer insights demands:


Empathy: Put yourself in your customers' shoes and consider what they experience at each touchpoint with your business.

Active listening: Pay attention to customer feedback and comments. What are they saying, and what do they value most?

User testing: Engage with your products or services as if you were a customer. Identify friction points, difficulties, or areas where improvement is needed.

Surveys and feedback : Don't just collect feedback; make sure it's actionable. Don't just measure NPS or rating of your services. Use surveys to understand how you could improve your communication.


The next time your system is about to blast out that third email of the week, take a step back and ask yourself: 'Do I truly understand how my customers would like to engage with us?'


Reach out if you would like us to help you step into your customers' shoes!