Ideas & Insights - Homerun CX

Get ready for 2024 - Our checklist for Digital Marketeers

Written by Petter | Nov 29, 2023 12:18:33 PM

Top 5 things you should keep in mind for 2024


#1 - Make sure you have a Marketing Automation Playbook in place. It should at least cover the following:


  • Business objectives, such as decreased churn, increased key conversions, and enhanced cross-selling
  • Defined segments or target groups
  • Some insight on your buyers' journey and incentives for engagement and purchase
  • Identification of key conversion points. This is where you answer your buyers' main questions  
  • Preferred channels and tone of voice for your messaging and dialogue
  • A framework for how to define and measure success


#2 - Evaluate Customer Communication from the End-User Perspective


  • Make some sort of systematic review of your communication from an end user perspective
  • Conduct surveys with actionable questions
  • Perform interviews to gather actionable buyer insights


#3 - Experimentation beats prediction 

  • Choose a test segment within a key customer journey and refine it step by step
  • Test and modify elements like subject lines, content and call-to-action to make it as meaningful as possible for the receiver


#4 - Have a look at your current platform and data setup

  • Does it align with your goals, or is it time to explore new platforms? 
  • Is you data actionable and 'AI-ready'? 

#5 - There's no nr 5, but don't forget the importance of taking a break. Enjoy plenty of 'glögg' and relax. We have a lot to do in 2024!



Want to have a chat about how to get started?